Looking for a tutor (math, biology, chemistry and/or physics) for a small group of children (doğrudan işveren)

İş deneyimi:
Ücret: 490 TL/45 dakika için
Oluşturma tarihi: 04.05.2023
İşe başlama tarihi: 11.05.2023

Looking for a tutor (math, biology, chemistry and/or physics) for a small group of children (doğrudan işveren)

İş deneyimi:
Ücret: 490 TL/saat başına
Oluşturma tarihi: 04.05.2023 года
İşe başlama tarihi: 11.05.2023
Yaş: 20-55
İş deneyimi:
anlaşmaya bağlı
Oluşturma tarihi: 04.05.2023 года
İşe başlama tarihi: 11.05.2023
I am looking for a tutor who can inspire and engage my children in subjects such as mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry. I am not interested in following a specific curriculum or grade. Instead, I want the tutor to focus on interesting topics and matters that are integral for life. For example, I want my children to be introduced to mathematics in a creative way that teaches how math is everywhere and teaches them the skills they need for life. I am hoping to find an experienced and passionate tutor who can provide personalized lessons to suit my children's needs and interests. The ideal tutor will work closely with my children to ensure that they not only understand the material but also develop a love for learning. If you are a tutor who can offer such services, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to schedule a consultation and discuss further details. In addition to my previous request, I should mention that I have several children, and I am looking for a tutor who can provide group classes. This will not only make it easier for me to manage, but it will also allow my children to learn from each other and engage in group discussions. If you are a tutor who is capable of providing group classes in the subjects of mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry, and can incorporate interesting topics and matters that are integral for life, please contact me. I am excited to hear from you and look forward to discussing further details.
Özel ders öğretmen becerileri:
Yaş grubuna göre çalışma deneyimi:
  • 1-4 sınıf
  • 5-8 sınıf
  • Okul öncesi çocuklar
Yabancı diller:
  • İspanyolca
Lise ve yüksekokul
  • Biyoloji
  • Matematik / Cebir / Geometri
  • Fizik
  • Kimya
  • Sanat
  • Modelleme
Çalışma yeri:
  • Öğrencinin evinde
  • Öğretmenin evinde
Çalışma takvimi
Aramaya geri dön