Tutor,  Meltem, TUZLA

Tutor **** Meltem

Istanbul, TUZLA
Age: 36 years
Experience: 3 years
Service price: from 500 TL/45 minutes
Registration date: 2024year
Tutor,  Meltem, TUZLA

Tutor **** Meltem

Age: 36 years
Experience: 3 years
Service price: from 500 TL/45 minutes
Registration date: 2024year
Age: 36 years
Experience: 3 years
Service price: from 500 TL/45 minutes
Registration date: 2024year
About the candidate
Inşaat mühendisiyim, üniversite zamanımda ilkokul öğrencilerine çok ders verdim, matematik dersi özellikle iyi olduğum derstir. Çalışma disiplini ve dersi sevdirmeye yönelik çalışıyorum
Brief information
Personal car:No
Driver's license:Yes
Tutoring skills
Mathematics / Algebra / Geometry Primary school Preparation for school Turkish Architecture
Kind of student:
  • 1-5 grades
  • 6-9 grades
Place of study:
  • At tutor's home

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Work schedule
Phone confirmed
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