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Yatılı Çocuk Bakıcısı (experience required, direct employer)

20-55 years
Experience: any
Wage: 500 TL/hour
Wage: 15000 TL/month
Creation date: 10.05.2023 year
Start date: 20.05.2023

Yatılı Çocuk Bakıcısı (experience required, direct employer)

20-55 years
Experience: any
Wage: 500 TL/hour
Wage: 15000 TL/month
Creation date: 10.05.2023 year
Start date: 20.05.2023
Age: 20-55 years
Experience: any
Wage: 500 TL/hour
Wage: 15000 TL/month
Creation date: 10.05.2023 year
Start date: 20.05.2023
3 kişilik bir aileyiz. Nişantaşında oturuyoruz. İngilizce bilen Yatılı çalışabilecek bir bayan arıyoruz. Kızımla ilgilenecek, Oyunlatr oynayacak. Evin günlük toparlamasını yapacak birisi
Nanny skills
Child's age:
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)
Work experience:
Fun games
Feeding children
Washing children's dishes
Cooking meals for children
Walking, accompaniment
Age-appropriate development activities
Maximum number of children to be cared for at one time:
Brief information
Place of work:
  • Live-in
Work schedule
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