Nanny,  Nermin, BAGCILAR

Nanny ******** Nermin

Istanbul, BAGCILAR
Age: 17 years
Experience: 1 year
Service price: from 70 TL/hour
Service price: from 1750 TL/month
Registration date: 2024year
Nanny,  Nermin, BAGCILAR

Nanny ******** Nermin

Age: 17 years
Experience: 1 year
Service price: from 70 TL/hour
Service price: from 1750 TL/month
Registration date: 2024year
Age: 17 years
Experience: 1 year
Service price: from 70 TL/hour
Service price: from 1750 TL/month
Registration date: 2024year
About the candidate
Çocuk gelişimi okuyorum, son sınıfım daha önce yarım gün olarak hiperaktif bir çocuğa oyun ablalığı yapmıştım, okulum başlayınca işten ayrılmak zorunda kaldım, çocuklarla ilişkim iyidir onlara hem abla hem oyun arkadaşı olabilirim ama Eylülde okulum açıldığı için işime son vermek zorundayım
Brief information
Date of birth:5 March 2007
Education:Secondary education
Acceptable work options:
  • Live-out
Personal car:No
Driver's license:No
Nanny skills
Experience working with age groups
Babies (below a year old)
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)
Toddlers (1-3 years old)
Primary school (7-13 years old)
Experience performing various tasks:
Fun games
Feeding children
Walking, accompaniment
Number of children that can be cared for at one time

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Working hours
Phone number confirmed
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