Caregiver,  Fırat, BAGCILAR

Caregiver ** Fırat

Istanbul, BAGCILAR
Age: 27 years
Experience: without experience
Service price: from 500 TL/hour
Service price: from 15000 TL/month
Registration date: 2023year
Caregiver,  Fırat, BAGCILAR

Caregiver ** Fırat

Age: 27 years
Experience: without experience
Service price: from 500 TL/hour
Service price: from 15000 TL/month
Registration date: 2023year
Age: 27 years
Experience: without experience
Service price: from 500 TL/hour
Service price: from 15000 TL/month
Registration date: 2023year
About the candidate
Yaşlı bakım bölümü ön lisans mezunuyum. Sorumlu, çalişkan ve anlayışlı biriyim. Fazla tecrübem yok henüz iş bulamadığımdan dolayı ama insanlara yardım etmeye hevesliyim.
Brief information
Date of birth:23 June 1997
Education:Vocational Technical School
Acceptable work options:
  • Live-in
  • Live-out
Personal car:No
Driver's license:Yes
Caregiving skills
Ages of patients you have taken care of
  • Over 55 years old
Experience working with patients by disease group:
  • Diabetes
Experience in performing medical procedures:
  • Therapeutic massage
Additional tasks you can perform
  • Assisted walking

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Working hours
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