Caregiver,  Işılay, USKUDAR

Caregiver ****** Işılay

Istanbul, USKUDAR
Age: 36 years
Experience: 5 years
Service price: from 80 TL/hour
Service price: from 7500 TL/month
Registration date: 2022year
Caregiver,  Işılay, USKUDAR

Caregiver ****** Işılay

Age: 36 years
Experience: 5 years
Service price: from 80 TL/hour
Service price: from 7500 TL/month
Registration date: 2022year
Age: 36 years
Experience: 5 years
Service price: from 80 TL/hour
Service price: from 7500 TL/month
Registration date: 2022year
About the candidate
Hasta bakım hizmetleri sunuyorum. Evde ve hastanede kritik hastalara bakma konusunda deneyimim var; inme, kalp krizi, ameliyat sonrası hastalar. Temel becerilerim: doktor tavsiyelerine uymak, hijyen ve cilt bakımı, ilaç kontrolü, masaj, tansiyon ve kan şekeri ölçümü, üstünü değiştirme, gezdirmek, yemek yapmak, kitap okumak, hasta ile ilgilenmek. Kişisel niteliklerim: sorumlu, terbiyeli, özenli, fiziksel ve duygusal olarak dayanıklıyım.
Brief information
Date of birth:30 April 1988
Education:Secondary education
Acceptable work options:
  • Live-out
Personal car:No
Driver's license:No
Caregiving skills
Ages of patients you have taken care of
  • Over 55 years old
  • From 18 to 55 years old
Experience working with patients by disease group:
  • Autism
  • Dementia (Alzheimer)
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Other injuries (amputations)
Experience in performing medical procedures:
  • Intravenous injection, infusion
  • Bathing a patient in bed
  • Therapeutic massage

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